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Customer Testimonials

Breastfed for Even Longer!

I used your product to help with my supply in 2015 and 2016. I never, ever contact a company, especially after I no longer use the product, but I just came across an ad for Boobie Bars® on a site I was visiting, and I got so darned excited for you that I just had to write. 

I am now in a few social media communities for moms—whenever someone brings up low supply, I always mention your product. It literally saved my baby and me.

Because of YOU, I nursed my second child until she was 16 months! Thank you for giving us that time. I will forever cherish it and forever be grateful to YOU for helping to make that happen.

Keep up the excellent work. We mamas need more people like you in our villages!

—Lisa from New York


Ditched the Pills and Made the Switch!

With my first child, I was barely able to breastfeed for a full year, as I had a very low supply and was taking 18 supplement pills a day for a year. My second time around, I wanted to ensure that I would have an adequate supply without worries. Also, as a working mom, I wanted to increase my pumping supply and milk stash for my baby girl.

I just finished my first box of Boobie Bars® (the blueberry coconut—yum!) and have started on my second. These bars are delicious and beat taking 18 pills a day by a long shot! Not only that, but I have seen an increase of about 2 ounces from each breast when I pump, and I hope to only get better as I continue to use the bars and pump often. I am so glad I found them! Thank you, Boobie Bars®!

—Heather from Alabama


The Medical Community Knows Which Moms Benefit from A Daily Bar & Refer Them to Us!

I highly recommend Boobie Bar® for optimum milk supply. You have perfected the recipe for breastfeeding moms. Honestly, it works and it's great-tasting.

—Maggie Tilger, R.N., IBCLC, California

We at Baby’s Sweet Beginnings carry Boobie Bars® because they’re a quick pick-me-up snack for both moms and their milk supply. They are delicious and nutritious, and our moms love to use them as a quick snack to help increase milk production. They are a TOP SELLER in our store. As an IBCLC, I feel that it's great that this product was developed by an R.N. who is also an IBCLC, and who cares about putting out a quality product for new moms.

—Polly Thoman, IBCLC, Owner, Baby’s Sweet Beginnings, New York

As a labor & delivery/postpartum registered nurse, certified lactation educator and new mom, I was so impressed by the effect Boobie Bars have had on my milk supply! I started pumping when my son was about 5 weeks old in hopes not only to be able to leave him with a babysitter, but also to build a stash for when I go back to working 12-hour hospital shifts. 
I was so disappointed and discouraged when each pumping session would only yield half an ounce to an ounce max. I tried lactation pills, which were expensive and required multiple doses a day, with no results. Then a lactation consultant I work with recommended Boobie Bars, and now I get 2-3 more ounces a pumping session! I’ve collected 100+ ounces in my freezer and I feel confident that I’ll have enough supply to keep my son exclusively breastfed when I go back to work full-time. The bars are delicious, and dairy free, which is important to me since my son was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy. I recommend them to all my breastfeeding friends, and will definitely recommend them to my patients!
—Erin Castillo, RNC-OB, MSN, CLE, California


Going Back to Work Doesn’t Have to Be The End!

I am so thankful my co-worker shared your website! My 3 ½-month-old daughter started day care this week and I went back to work on a regular schedule. I tried the Blueberry Coconut Boobie Bars® to help keep up/increase my milk production while pumping. They are so yummy! And even better, I pumped more milk than I had previously!   To have an ounce or two more with each pumping session is encouraging, uplifting, stress-relieving—and, quite honestly, life-changing. My goal was to breastfeed my first child for one year, but I stopped at 10 months when I got pregnant with my second child. With the demands of having two kids, I’ve been a little discouraged that I may not make it to my goal of a year with my second. But your bars have given me additional confidence that my precious baby girl will have what's best for her! 

 —Lesley from Louisiana  


Moms Who Purchase at One of Our 1,000+ Retailers Love Us!                                 

Love these bars. They actually taste good and they work! I've tried a bunch of different galactagogues and these are they only ones that have made any difference! I highly recommend giving these a chance if you're having trouble with your supply.

— From Babies R Us


Love the Boobie Bars®. Started having a dip in supply and tried these … they really did help increase by 1 to 2 ounces per pumping session. They are easy, on-the-go snacks with boobie benefits.

— From Amazon


Funny story: My hubby was looking for a snack one day, and peanut butter being his favorite, he tried and ate one of the peanut butter Boobie Bars®. Then two. Then three bars. Then he came to me and said, "I think I may be breastfeeding baby soon." Lol!

— From Amazon


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